
Meeting the expectations of higher education teachers and assistants for training within the INOVUP project. All university teachers work with students, but not all of them are aware that the teaching approach is as important and as relevant as the subject content. Within the INOVUP project, university teachers receive training in higher education didactics to raise the quality of instruction. The main premise of the project is that the teaching method is related to the acquired knowledge, understanding of the content, motivation for work and cooperation between students and teachers. The article addresses teachers’ responses to and expectations of these training events and how these expectations are met. The results show that more than three-quarters of the participants seek practical, usable knowledge. The participants are mostly satisfied with the training, which they consider to be a positive contribution to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and motivation for further deepening their knowledge. Based on these findings, recommendations can be put forward to upgrade training for future participants.


  • Izvleček/AbstractVisokošolskim učiteljem je skupno delo s študenti, ne pa tudi zavedanje, da je pristop k poučevanju tako pomemben, kot je pomembna vsebina

  • Meeting the expectations of higher education teachers and assistants for training within the INOVUP project All university teachers work with students, but not all of them are aware that the teaching approach is as important and as relevant as the subject content

  • Within the INOVUP project, university teachers receive training in higher education didactics to raise the quality of instruction

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Ključne besede: visoko šolstvo, visokošolska didaktika, usposabljanja, pričakovanja udeležencev. V okviru projekta INOVUP se izvajajo usposabljanja visokošolskih učiteljev s področja visokošolske didaktike za izboljševanje kakovosti poučevanja, osrednja predpostavka projekta pa je, da je način poučevanja povezan s pridobljenim znanjem, razumevanjem vsebine, motivacijo za delo in sodelovanjem med študenti in učitelji. The participants are mostly satisfied with the training, which they consider to be a positive contribution to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and motivation for further deepening their knowledge. Večina usposabljanj je zasnovanih v delavniški obliki za manjše skupine udeležencev, močno je zastopana in spodbujana diskusija med udeleženci in med izvajalci usposabljanja, udeleženci lahko prejmejo gradiva, deležni pa so tudi individualnih konzultacij. Na usposabljanje se lahko prijavi kdor koli, prednost pa imajo visokošolski učitelji in sodelavci, raziskovalci in drugi visokošolski delavci, ki prejmejo obvestila o prihajajočih usposabljanjih dvakrat na mesec po elektronski pošti, se pa ta objavljajo tudi na spletni strani projekta inovup.si. Usposabljanja se glede na izraženo zanimanje ponavljajo vsaj enkrat letno

Namen raziskave
Raziskovalna metoda
Postopek zbiranja podatkov in opis instrumenta
Opis udeležencev
Rezultati in diskusija
Se zelo
Pridobljeno usposabljanjem
Redni profesor
Full Text
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