
The role of urease in Helicobacter pylori adherence to and internalization by Kato III cells was investigated. Kato III cells were incubated with wild-type strains (N6 or P1), with isogenic mutants lacking urease (N6ureB::TnKm or P1ureA::TnMax5) or producing the inactive apoprotein (N6ureG::TnKm), and with urease-positive clones recovered after complementation of N6ureB::TnKm with ureAB. Bacteria were stained with the green fluorescent dye PKH2, and the bacteria load of cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. With mutants lacking urease, the bacteria load was considerably increased, in comparison with the corresponding parental strains (P<.001). With clone K2(3), producing larger amounts of urease than N6, a significant reduction of bacteria load was observed, in comparison with the wild type (P<.001). N6ureG::TnKm showed adherence characteristics similar to those of N6. The role of urease in internalization was not clear. Thus, urease significantly inhibits H. pylori adherence to Kato III cells by a mechanism largely independent of enzymatic activity.

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