
We assess the issues of urban effects on the precipitation over the Pearl River Delta (PRD)metropolitan regions of China. The spatial and temporal variations of strong versus weakprecipitation over the PRD and surrounding nonurban areas are investigated. The resultsshow that the urbanization signatures in strong precipitation are significantly differentfrom those in weak precipitation over the urban areas. The PRD experiencesmore strong precipitation but less weak precipitation compared to surroundingnonurban regions. In addition, the strong precipitation over the PRD displays apronounced seasonal variation. The seasonality of weak precipitation, however,is much weaker over the PRD compared to the surrounding nonurban regions.Moreover, a strengthening in the precipitation intensity, a reduction in the rainfallfrequency and an increase in the convective precipitation as well as the afternoonprecipitation are found over the urban areas, which are probably associated with theabundance in strong precipitation and the deficit in weak precipitation over the PRD.

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