
In the past two decades water security has emerged as a popular water management concept. It is a broad, holistic, and integrative concept with many different interpretations. The concept is useful to apply to urban areas, where concentration of people and activities means concentration of water demands and pollution and high exposure to water-related disasters. Different perspectives on urban water security emerge as people come from different disciplines, look at different water problems and functions and services of water systems, and have different views on integration and processes to achieve urban water security. Two different focuses in water security are a risk focus (water security is a matter of managing water risks) and a development focus (water insecurity inhibits development). A system dynamics approach using a Pressure-State-Impact-Response schematisation can help in understanding the complexity of the dimensions and interpretations and in considering how urban water security could be improved over time. Quantification of urban water security goals through indicators and indices could help in stimulating and focusing policy action to improve water security. The broad perspective that urban water security provides is required to understand a city’s water situation and improve urban water resources management.

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