
Rapid urbanization often results in disparate development of different parts of a city. The diverse mechanisms responsible for development and delivery that are operational in a city generate a differential in growth in different areas. This often results in 'pockets' of areas which are left undeveloped or underdeveloped. These marginal spaces are often no-man's land and are thus susceptible to misuse. Overtime these 'leftover' spaces are appropriated, overtly or covertly, for different activities and an invisible fence is put up. The urban fabric becomes disjointed, creating patches of active vibrant areas interspersed with 'dead' or 'negative' holes. This paper argues that these'Urban Voids' present an opportunity to create public spaces that have the the potential to infuse new choices and meanings in an urban district. Identification and utilisation of such 'By-passed' urban resources can lead to improved QOL and hence a more sustainable urban fabric. This research paper aims to create a concept of how these Urban Voids can be taken into consideration and transformed into positive urban spaces. The paper establishes the reasons for creation of these urban voids and their impact on the urban social fabric,to develop a framework for identifying and analyzing the types of urban voids present in Delhi so as to lay the groundwork for formulating strategies for their reuse.

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