
Urban metabolism studies highlight the consumption of inputresources, the process within the system together from the source, use phaseand recycling of wastes. The aim of this study was to assess urban metabolism inthree cities in Malaysia; Kuala Lumpur, Ampang Jaya and Selayang by usingMaterial Flow Analysis (MFA). The data that was analysed included electricityinputs, water inputs, food (rice, eggs and sugar) inputs, carbon dioxide outputs,wastewater outputs and solid waste outputs. The national data were downscaledto provide regional data where deemed necessary. The electricityconsumption of 0.188 koe/cap/day in Klang Valley contributed to carbondioxide of 0.455 kg/cap/day, while 95.32% of water consumption becamewastewater. Consumption of 0.38 kg/cap/day of ‘rice, eggs and sugar’contributed in the production of 4.5 kg/cap/day of solid wastes. The urbanmetabolism approach provides information on urban management at city levelsuch as material cycling, energy efficiency and waste management and may alsoassist in decision making for future urban development planning as well asproviding an informed and rapid assessment on the environmental performanceof urban area.

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