
Urban plants provide various ecosystem services and biodiversity for human well-being. It is necessary to examine the plant species and functional traits composition and the influencing factors. In this study, a field survey was conducted using the tessellation-randomized plot method to assess the plant species and functional traits variability in greenspaces across eight land use types (LUTs) in the built-up areas of Beijing, China. Results showed that the woody plants in the built-up areas of Beijing comprised 85 non-native species (57%), 21 pollen-allergenic species (14%), and 99 resistant species (67%). Residential areas, community parks and institutional areas had higher woody plant species richness than other LUTs. Native and extralimital native species were more widespread than exotic species. Proportions of species with resistances were low except for cold- and drought-resistance; consequently, a high intensity of management and maintenance is essential for survival of plants in this urban area. Caution should be exerted in selecting plant species with resistance to harsh conditions in different LUTs. Housing prices, distances from the urban center, years since the establishment of LUTs and greening rate were strongly correlated with the plant functional traits and species diversity. Urban forest managers should consider plant functional traits and LUT-specific strategies to maximize both forest and human health.

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