
Noise pollution interferes with most daily activities and, last but not least, disrupts rest, causing psychological, physiological and sometimes pathological reactions in certain situations, when exposure is extended and noise level is above the permitted limits. Sources generating urban noise are varied, randomly distributed in space and time, distinguished from the noise generated by industrial activity that generates occupational exposure of workers, who are permanently exposed to noise generated by industrial operations that are relatively well defined in space and time. As a result of exposure to noise pollution the human body experiences various effects of a physiological and/or psychological nature that affect its health and daily activities. The research was carried out over a period of 4 months in the main intersections in the Eastern area of Jiu Valley, where the level of noise pollution caused by road traffic and the discomfort created to residents in the vicinity of traffic arteries were analysed. Data gathered during the monitoring period show that noise pollution is also accentuated in small urban agglomerations (under 100,000 inhabitants) and it is necessary to monitor it and apply the best measures to reduce the negative impact on neighbourhoods.

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