
BACKGROUND AND AIM: The COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges for people worldwide experiencing restrictions and social isolation. The present study focuses on the exploration of the health benefits from visits to urban green (UGS) and urban blue spaces (UBS) during the third wave of COVID-19, as well as practices and perceptions towards urban nature in pre- and post-lockdown Greece. METHODS: In February 2021 we conducted an online survey among 925 participants (18-65 years old, 30% male) on the engagement with UGS and UBS (proximity, ease of access, frequency, duration, motivation and types of UGS/UBS visited, as well as view of UGS and UBS from home) pre- and post-lockdown. Anxiety and depression were measured with the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) and subjective questions were used to determine the value participants attach to urban nature. RESULTS:Lockdown measures resulted in a reduction of visitation and availability of different types of UGS and UBS, while the time spent in nature was either unchanged or slightly increased. The main motivation for using urban nature was walking and relaxing both pre- and post-lockdown. Participants’ wellbeing was negatively affected during lockdown; however, access and view of UGS and/or UBS were perceived as helpful for coping with negative emotions, while visitation was associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety. The presence of UGS and/or UBS within the urban fabric was perceived as highly important by 89% of participants, who attached a higher value to urban nature after having experienced social isolation at home. Finally, a clear preference for continuing visiting UGS and UBS after the lifting of the lockdown was observed. CONCLUSIONS:Our findings show the positive association between UGS and/or UBS exposure and mental health improvement in times of social isolation, highlighting the need to integrate ecosystem services into urban design. KEYWORDS: built environment, green space, blue space, COVID-19, mental health outcomes

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