
AbstractMesh networking is currently gaining much attention, within both academia and industry. Mesh networking allows cheap and fast deployment of wireless services. It is regarded as a very promising solution for urban deployment scenarios as well as for temporary emergency response situations. Another related promising field is that of ad hoc wireless networking, which consists of mobile nodes that dynamically create and maintain a network without the need for any infrastructure. We propose a solution and architecture for urban mesh ad hoc networks, a network that combines mesh networking with ad hoc networks for urban environments. We present four types of ad hoc mesh and ad hoc mesh networks. The most general one consists of mesh nodes, called mesh points (MP), that act as a type of access point for user nodes (UN). The MPs have at least two interfaces: one which is used to communicate with UNs, and one which is used to maintain the mesh access network and transport data. These two interfaces can basically use any type of technology (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g, WiMax, etc.), and for capacity reasons it is generally regarded that the best solution is to let the mesh interface operate on a separate high‐capacity channel or channels. An intricate part of these types of networks are routing and location services. In our solution, UN devices operate in ad hoc mode running an ad hoc routing protocol. This allows UNs that wish to communicate to connect directly in an ad hoc manner, or through an MP. An important question is therefore whether two UNs that wish to communicate should connect through the mesh or connect directly. We show that from a capacity point of view whether a UN should route its packets to the closest available MP, or through a ad hoc network, depends on the environment the network is located, the amount traffic and the type of protocols used. Since MPs need to know where to route packets within the mesh, i.e., locating the MP closest to the destination UN, each UN run a small application that registers the UN to the mesh network. In addition to the above features we have developed a new MAC that quickly queries two candidate nodes, which picks the candidate with the currently best radio conditions. This enable nodes to cope with deep dips in signal strength due to fast fading, a well‐known problem in urban environments. We show that this new protocol achieves significantly lower delays. We also show that in dense urban environments performance and battery lifetime can be improved if ad hoc technologies are used. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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