
‘‘Urban health then and now, a reflection (Physiotherapist, 15.03.2150)’ takes its starting point in the development of human settlements and population throughout history. On this basis, it envisions a future in which a shift to greener urban cities has led to various improvements in people’s health and social conditions, both globally and locally. As more and more people are living in cities and the greening of cities is underway, this vision and its exploration all but a fantasy. With added collaboration from health professionals, urban planning and design could support the creation of even more green spaces and greener buildings, leading to cleaner air, more physical activity, natural insulation of homes, carbon sequestration, local food production, increased biodiversity and ultimately, a time with more social cohesion and healthier and happier people. By never loosing focus of people’s health, function and physical activity, it reminds us that it might not be wholesale change that is at stake, but that a broadening of our professional identity, roles and responsibilities could contribute more broadly than we have thought so far.

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