
Abstract. This paper combines class hierarchy construction and feature-preferred random forest classification method, and the classification results are the best. In the urban center area with complex features, this method can be used to extract small and complex features more accurately, and for urban green spaces, small auxiliary green spaces between houses can be accurately extracted. This method first constructs a class hierarchy of four sizes, and then extracts different features from simple to complex, from large to small, and classifies them by membership function for the direct selection feature rules of easily extracted features. For the subdivision of green space and the classification of features in central complex areas, feature optimization is carried out, and the optimal feature combination is selected and then extreme random tree (ERT) classification is performed. The classification accuracy is the best 89.5%, and the classification results are analyzed correctly, which correctly distinguishes the smaller land categories in the central area, reduces the misclassification of grassland and agricultural land, and the classification results are optimal.

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