
Urban green infrastructure planning should be based on certain principles for addressing a variety of challenges associated with sustainable development. Even though a set of principles such as multifunctionality and connectivity are increasingly recognized in the academic discourse, there is a difference how these are implemented regionally and locally. Yet urban green infrastructure planning research is often carried out in highly developed countries, while relatively little is known about the integration of the principles in the current green space planning practices of developing countries. Therefore, this study attempts to evaluate the integration of urban green infrastructure planning principles in the current green space planning practices in an urban center of Ethiopia with reference to the emerging towns of Oromia special zone surrounding Finfinne (Addis Ababa). This study employed a documents analysis, which was underpinned by interviews and observation. Regarding the evaluation of the planning documents, this study identified that the principles of multi-functionality, green-grey integration and social inclusiveness are present to some extent. At the same time, the result from interviews and observation revealed that the existing green spaces provide mono-functional services and their integration with grey structure is limited. Furthermore, the combination of document analysis and interview result shows that issues related to connectivity of green spaces, such as green corridors and green ways are not recognized in planning documents and practices. The study result indicate that lack of awareness, financial constraints, insufficient professional knowledge, absence of collaboration and poor public involvement are the most influential factors hindering the integration of green infrastructure planning principles into urban development. Therefore, current green space planning practices in developing countries in general and in Ethiopia in particular require advanced development in budget allocation, capacity building, awareness creation and stakeholder’s involvement to be effectively considered as urban green infrastructure compliant.

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