
This study is aimed at analyzing the opinions and proposals of scientists from Russia and China on reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere produced by urban transport. Many factors of air pollution are similar in the cities of these countries. Therefore, Chinese and Russian researcher’ proposals could be mutually useful for solving issues of improving air quality and reducing emissions. The study is based on a comprehensive data analysis. First of all, the Air Quality Index in the cities of China and Russia was analyzed using the World's Air Pollution resource. Statistical data and the results of a survey of the population on the causes of air pollution in the cities of their residence and measures to improve it were used; the publications of Russian and Chinese authors. As a general approach to address this issue, it is proposed to switch to electric public transport, including electric buses; restriction on trips by private vehicles to certain areas of cities; restriction on the entry of commercial vehicles during the hours of the greatest traffic. The Chinese authors propose a ban the sale of cars. Russian scientists have substantiated the idea of the influence of building density on the dispersion of polluted air.

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