
Rickettsioses are vector-borne zoonotic diseases that occur in urban environments. Currently, they are associated with the presence of domestic and synanthropic animals, the ectoparasites that they harbor, and their local habitat. The implementation of prevention actions relies on the understanding of the local ecology of interactions between hosts, vector species, and the etiologic agents. In this context, this study aimed to explore and describe the occurrence of infected mammals and their ectoparasites in human urban dwellings, and those characteristics of urban dwellings associated to the presence of Rickettsia infected animals in groups of households where at least one human case of rickettsiosis has occurred in the previous year of the study. Briefly, blood-samples and ectoparasites from synanthropic and domestic animals, were obtained from groups of households from different areas of an urban settlement. Serologic and molecular diagnostics helped to identify Spotted Fever Group (SFG) and TG (Typhus Group) Rickettsia in animal and ectoparasite samples. A total of 99 mammals were sampled, 29 opossums (Didelphis virginiana), 13 house mice (Mus musculus), seven black rats (Rattus rattus) and 50 dogs. Infection occurrence in opossums was 8.3% of SFG, 50% for TG, and 4.2% of undetermined group. For house mice 46.2% for SFG and 30.8% were undetermined. Black rats 28.6% of SFG and 57.1% undetermined. Finally, dogs were 19.1% of SFG, 57.4% to TG, and 23.4% belonged to undetermined group. A total of 424 ectoparasites were collected from the mammals. In opossums occurred the ticks Ambyomma sp., Ornithodoros (Alecterobius) nr. talaje, and the flea Ctenocephalides felis. In dogs we found the ticks Rhipicephalus sanguineus s. l., Amblyomma sp., O. (A.) nr. talaje, and the flea Ct. felis. No ectoparasites were collected from rodents. The occurrence of infected animals was associated primarily with the material of the backyard floor, the type of sanitary system in the household, the presence of garbage in the backyard, presence of firewood storage, stored polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers for sale to recyclers, and the store of construction supplies in the backyard. Nonetheless a generalized linear model showed that the household with a backyard with a dirt floor or other non-concrete material has more chances of harboring infected animals (RR= 1.74, 95% CI= 1.07-2.84 and RR= 1.03, 95% CI= 0.39-2.32 respectively). In contrast, when the house has a sanitary system of urban sewer system or a latrine outside de house, the chances of having infected animals decreased significantly (RR= 0.39, 95% CI= 0.12-0.94 and RR= 0.46, 95% CI= 0.03-2.22). We conclude that both SFG and TG rickettsioses occur in animals and their ectoparasites in peridomiciles of urban households were at least one human rickettsiosis case had occurred.

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