
Urban Catalyze is the process that catalyzed the largest scale in cities by introducing appropriate variables as well as encouraging the continuous and progressive reform and development of the urban fabric. Sustainable Urban Catalyze is a strategy that aims to promote urban development in a sustainable and balanced manner between current and future needs, so this approach includes improving the sustainability of cities in general and residential areas in particular through the development of green infrastructure and placemaking, as well as enhancing community participation and improving the quality of life for residents. The research diagnosed its research problem in a lack of knowledge on “role of sustainable urban catalyzes in the development of residential areas in the city of Baghdad”. The research aims to clarify the characteristics, patterns, levels and indicators of sustainable urban catalyze that may contribute positively to catalyzed residential areas to be more efficient in achieving the requirements of their occupants. Its hypothesis was that “the characteristics of sustainable urban catalyze have a positive dimension in catalyzing and developing sustainable urban design in the residential area”. The research finds that the characteristics of sustainable urban catalyze in residential areas can be achieved by adopting its indicators (resource use efficiency, biodiversity and environment, sustainable transport, sustainable economy, sustainable social and cultural life, and finally sustainable urban management), as these indicators contribute to achieving a balance between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable urban development of the residential area, so that cities and residential areas are built that combine economic, social, and environmental aspects, which enhance their sustainability and attractiveness as place to live and work

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