
Urban art (UA) is a contemporary art type, which was developed in the past four to five decades. Gradually with time, various UA types have been increasingly visible in many cities. While UA growth in certain cities has been faster, the progression of this art type in most cities has faced oppositions from various groups and thereby been slower. This research studies the current context of progression of UA scene in Madrid, considering Madrid as the case study. The research further explores the capability that UA could demonstrate as a tourism development tool in Madrid. Based on the capacity existent for UA being used as a tourism tool, the research suggests ways on how UA can be of best use for the society as a tourism tool. The research also aims to find out what categories of participants in the society should be benefited from UA scene being used for the tourism development in Madrid. The research is carried out using a qualitative research methodology and through an exploratory approach. The research is completed with the use of more primary source data together with additional secondary sources of data. Observations, short questionnaires and interviews are main primary source data gathering instruments while document analysis is the main instrument in processing secondary source data. The results show that Madrid is in a city full of UA types all around the city and has the definite capability to be further developed as a tourism tool. The urban artists are involving in creating their own UA pieces both legally as well as illegally while facing obstacles from the authorities, even though impediments have reduced from 2015 due to the new local government. However, the research concludes that Madrid's UA can be further developed through the continued support from policy makers and by giving the direct benefits of the development to local artists and the local UA stakeholders. The steps taken for the advancement of UA in Madrid will have an explicit effect also on its growth as a tourism development tool.


  • In Europe and the Americas one sees how Urban Art (UA) has beautified city environments through artistic impressions

  • The decision was taken to investigate the current context of UA in Madrid and to research on how UA can be used as a tourism development tool

  • The main research question is, “Does urban art in Madrid have the capacity to be developed as an attraction for the visitor who comes to Madrid and, if that is so, how and through whom can these capacities be realized?”

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In Europe and the Americas one sees how UA has beautified city environments through artistic impressions. As the opportunity arose the researcher decided to investigate further on this relatively new term of UA and relate UA to tourism. The interest in UA in a Spanish context helped to choose Madrid as a case study city and to research further on UA in this city. The decision was taken to investigate the current context of UA in Madrid and to research on how UA can be used as a tourism development tool. Based on these fundamental remarks, the research was initiated

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