
The low availability of housing has increased in Poland since the 1960s, while other socialist nations of eastern Europe reduced their housing shortages. Housing is important irrespective of the economic system of the country, whether socialist or non-socialist. In a socialist economy housing is heavily subsidized to meet the minimal requirements for all the people. Although the expressed policy of a socialist country is to minimize the differences between the rural and urban areas, there are still basic socio-economic differences between rural and urban housing stock in Poland. This study found that there were distinct differences between rural and urban dwelling units in their age, condition, uses and composition. In rural areas more single-family units of a sub-standard nature, belonging to the building period of the 1980s, were usually found as opposed to multi-family dwelling units of a deficient nature, reconstructed and/or built during the post-World War II period in the urban areas. Further, it was found that dwelling units in rural areas use asbestos as roofing material, popular due to its low cost, and despite the hazard it poses to health.

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