
The absorption edge has been studied over the temperature range from 5 to 300 K in both p-type and n-typebulk CdGeAs2 crystals. An exponential distribution of states, or Urbach tail,below the direct band edge produces a linear dependence ofd [log(α)]/d (hν) with incidentphoton energy hν. The slope of this edge is nearly independent of temperature in p-type samples, butvaries with temperature in n-type samples. These differences in behaviour areexplained by a model that includes both thermal (phonon) and structural disordercontributions to the exponential tail of states. The structural disorder contributionwas found to be dominant in compensated p-type samples. Indium-doped n-typeCdGeAs2 crystals exhibited the more conventional thermal (i.e., phonon) behaviour.

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