
Upward spreading of masking, measured in terms of absolute masked threshold, is greater in hearing-impaired listeners than in listeners with normal hearing. The purpose of this study was to make further observations on upward-masked thresholds and speech recognition in noise in elderly listeners. Two age groups were used: One group consisted of listeners who were more than 60 years old, and the second group consisted of listeners who were less than 36 years old. Both groups had listeners with normal hearing as well as listeners with mild to moderate sensorineural loss. The masking paradigm consisted of a continuous low-pass-filtered (1000-Hz) noise, which was mixed with the output of a self-tracking, sweep-frequency Bekesy audiometer. Thresholds were measured in quiet and with maskers at 70 and 90 dB SPL. The upward-masked thresholds were similar for young and elderly hearing-impaired listeners. A few elderly listeners had lower upward-masked thresholds compared with the young control group; however, their on-frequency masked thresholds were nearly identical to the control group. A significant correlation was found between upward-masked thresholds and the Speech Perception in Noise (SPIN) test in elderly listeners.

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