
The cytoplasm of histologically fixed interstitial cells of rat testes becomes heavily labeled after incubation in the presence of tritium-labeled adenosine triphosphate. The phenomenon shows a high degree of specificity; none of the other eight types of cells studied (five of nontesticular origin) exhibits significant labeling under the same conditions. The cell labeling seems to be nonenzymatic in character; specific macromolecules associated with retention of the label have not been identified. Label retained by the cytoplasm of interstitial cells withstands: (a) prolonged washings in cold 5% trichloroacetic acid; (b) washings in a solution of high ionic strength; (c) repeated washings with alcohol and with water; (d) heating to 100°C; and (e) treatment with enzymes hydrolyzing nucleic acids (deoxyribonuclease I, ribonuclease A, ribonuclease T2, micrococcal nuclease and phosphodiesterase).

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