
Radiocarbon (14C) is potentially significant in terms of release from deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and incorporation into the biosphere. In this study we investigated the transfer of soil-derived C into two plant species by using a novel approach, where the uptake of soil-derived C into newly cultivated plants was studied on 8000-year leftover peat in order to distinguish between soil-derived and atmospheric C. Two-pool isotope mixing model was used to reveal the fraction of soil C in plants. Our results indicated that although the majority of plant C was obtained from atmosphere by photosynthesis, a significant portion (up to 3-5%) of C in plant roots was derived from old soil. We found that uptake of soil C into roots was more pronounced in ectomycorrhizal Scots pine than in endomycorrhizal reed canary grass, but nonetheless, both species showed soil-derived C uptake in their roots. Although plenty of soil-derived C was available in canopy air for reassimilation by photosynthesis, no trace of soil-derived C was detected in aboveground parts, possibly due to the open canopy. The results suggest that the potential for contamination with 14C is higher for roots than for leaves.

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