
In a replicated field trial, eleven intergeneric hybrids including four Co canes were evaluated for better nutrients use efficiency. At harvest, N, P and K content were estimated in dry leaves, green tops and stem. Uptake of N, P and K by dry leaves, green tops, stem, total above ground parts and kg nutrient per tonne of cane were determined. Significant differences among clones were observed in N, P and K nutrient uptake by dry leaves, green tops, stem, total above ground parts and nutrient to produce a tonne of cane. The increasing trends of kg N/tonne of cane were as follows: Co Canes Saccharum x Sclerostachya > Saccharum x Erianthus > Co Canes. Clones recording low P uptake for a tonne of cane were Co 6304, Co 8338, CoC 671, co 8341, 39/7 and 11/1. The increasing trend of K in kg / t of cane were as follows: Co Canes <Saccharum x Sorghum <Saccharum x Erianthus <Saccharum x Sclerostachya. Hybrids Co 8338, Co 8341, Co 6304, 39/7, 42/3 and CoC 671 had recorded low quantity of K uptake to produce a tonne of cane. Clones identified for better N, P and K nutrients use efficiency were Co 6304, Co 8338,Saccharum x Sorghum hybrid 39/7, Co 8341, CoC 671,Saccharum x Erianthus hybrid 11/1 andSaccharum x Sorghum 42/3 in this study.

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