
Natural distribution patterns of boron (B) among leaves within a canopy, among leaflets within a leaf, and within single leaflets were determined for coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) and within leaves for paurotis palm [Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Griseb. & H. Wendl.) Becc.]. Leaf B concentrations did not vary significantly among leaves within the canopy or among leaflets within a single leaf for coconut palm, but basal leaflets of paurotis palm had higher B concentrations than central leaflets. Boron concentrations were significantly higher toward the tips of individual leaflets in both species. Application of Solubor to the soil significantly increased leaf B concentrations in all leaves of coconut palm after 2 months as well as in new leaves produced up to 6 months later. Application of Solubor as a leaf axil drench was much less effective in increasing foliar B concentrations than soil treatment.

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