
The present study has been designed to investigate of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).is a widely distributed poultry disease that has large economic impact on poultry industry. Infections of the respiratory, reproductive, and renal systems are caused by IBV. The avian immune system is capable of activating mucosal, humoral, and cell-mediated immunity in response to future antigen exposure. Currently, live attenuated and killed vaccines are used to control IBV infection; however, the emergence of new IBV variants with rapidly evolving genetic variants raises the risk of outbreaks in intensive poultry farms. The study has been conducted on Two hundred broilers from (Breed: Rose, Origin: Belgium) were brought from ALGhadeer Hatchery–Wasit during the period extended from July, 2021 to March, 2022. The chicks were divided randomly into 4 groups namely 1st,2nd, 3rd, and 4th group. Each group consisted of 50 birds and housed in 4 separated rooms about 200 meters distance far between them. Blood samples (2 ml) collected from jugular vein from 18 chicks selected randomly from each group. T

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