
ABSTRACT Carbonate strata of the Una Group represent late Proterozoic platform sedimentation in the Irece Basin of east-central Brazil. The Irece Basin contains a basal siliciclastic sequence (the Bebedouro Formation) composed of diamictites dominantly of glacial origin that is overlain by lacustrine carbonate sediments. These are succeeded by the Una Group, a marine carbonate sequence that totals several hundred meters thick. The marine units consist of a basal laminated limestone and dolomitic limestone sequence that grades upward into dolostone and cherty dolostone; a middle sequence dominated by gray argillaceous limestones, shales, and siltstones; and an upper sequence of black organic-rich lime grainstones. Stratabound phosphate- and sulfide-rich units are present within a 50-m-thick tid l flat sequence of dolomitic limestone and cherty dolostone in the lower Una Group. Shallow-water sedimentary structures include stromatolitic laminae, columnar stromatolites, mudcracks, teepee structures, collapse breccias, length-slow quartz nodules, and other pseudomorphs after evaporitic sulfates. Conventional petrography supported by cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy of the carbonate strata reveals a complex diagenetic history representing four major diagenetic environments: Marine, Reflux, Meteoric, and Burial. Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of diagenetic carbonate generations yield distinct populations that support the environmental interpretations. Concentrations of fine-grained carbonate fluorapatite are present in stromatolitic carbonate units in the Irece-Lapao area. Three types of primary phosphate concentrations have been defined: columnar stromatolitic, laminar stromatolitic, and intraclastic. The presence of resedimented phosphatic clasts and of phosphatic units interbedded with barren dolostones suggest that the formation of stromatolitic phosphorite was an early-diagenetic process. Carbon and oxygen isotope data for calcite, dolomite, and carbonate fluorapatite, as well as sulfur isotope data from sulfates and sulfides, suggest the presence of an anoxic environment during the formation of the Irece phosphorites. Postglacial enrichment of the basin waters in phosphate is considered to be a critical aspect of phosphatizat on. Bacterial degradation of organic matter in the stromatolites probably was responsible for local phosphate enrichment of pore waters and resulted in concentration of carbonate fluorapatite by direct precipitation or by replacement of calcium carbonate.

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