
Cold-water corals of the Late Pleistocene (21,400–22,500 BP) are recorded from the sea-bottom of two inter-atoll channels (Kardiva Channel at 457-m depth and Male Vaadhoo Channel at 443-m depth) of the eastern row of the Maldives archipelago. Coral assemblages are composed mainly by Lophelia pertusa and secondarily by Madrepora oculata and Enallopsammia rostrata. These cold-water coral patches are places where the benthic life, mainly sessile, is concentrated, which is clearly absent off-rubble patches. The main epibionts are tube-dwelling polychaetes (mainly Spirorbis and Serpula), bryozoans, siliceous sponges, barnacles, gorgonids, solitary corals, encrusting foraminifera, and microbial mats. The analysis of epibionts assemblages shows different biocoenoses between both studied sites as well as a dependency of the epibiont coverage with regard to the coral genus. Some living benthic organisms such as brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, barnacles, and ophiuroids find refuge among coral branches. The common record of juvenile specimens of vagile organisms such as small ophiuroids, is probably related to the nursery function of the cold-water corals in spite they are fossils. Environmental requirements of Recent cold-water corals (Lophelia, Madrepora and Enallopsammia) differ of conditions at both sampling sites with sensibly lower oxygenation degree and density of waters than needed for cold-water corals. Therefore, it is proposed that the present-day oxygen and density conditions are the factors which inhibit modern cold-water coral growth in the inter-atoll channels.

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