
We present the results of medium-resolution spectroscopy of five nearby Herbig Ae/Be stars at 4.7 μ m: UX Ori, HD 34282, HD 50138, V380 Ori, HK Ori. The goal was to search for CO fundamental ro-vibrational emission. None of the targets show CO features, either in absorption nor in emission. We derive a $5\sigma$ upper limit of -12 cm -2 to the column density of hot CO ($T \approx 1500$ K) in the sources. These upper limits are considerably lower than the values of Herbig Ae/Be stars for which warm and hot CO emission has been reported. The non-detection of CO $\nu=1{-}0$ emission in these five targets suggest that Herbig Ae/Be stars are not a homogeneous group with respect to the structure of the gaseous disk and/or the amount of CO in the inner 50 AU of their disks.

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