
DURING a systematic sampling of shale lithologies in the Jurassic beds of Skye, an examination was made of sections in the Staffin Shales1–3 in Staffin Bay. Two localities were visited, one immediately south of the landslip at point 6 (ref. 4) [NG470712] and the other at point 7 (ref. 2) [NG468715], Six shale samples were collected at the former section, representing the Kosmoceras jason and Erymnoceras coronatum zones (Middle Callovian), the Peltoceras athleta and Quenstedoceras lambertizones (Upper Callovian), and the Quenstedoceras mariae and Cardioceras cordatum zones (Lower Oxfordian). Four shale samples were collected from the section at point 7, representing the Ringsteadia pseudocordata zone (Up zoneper Oxfordian) and the Pictonia baylei, Rasenia cymodoce, and Aulacostephanus mutabilis zones (Lower Kimmeridgian).

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