
In this paper we study the tradeoff between parallelism and communication cost in a map-reduce computation. For any problem that is not "embarrassingly parallel," the finer we partition the work of the reducers so that more parallelism can be extracted, the greater will be the total communication between mappers and reducers. We introduce a model of problems that can be solved in a single round of map-reduce computation. This model enables a generic recipe for discovering lower bounds on communication cost as a function of the maximum number of inputs that can be assigned to one reducer. We use the model to analyze the tradeoff for three problems: finding pairs of strings at Hamming distance d , finding triangles and other patterns in a larger graph, and matrix multiplication. For finding strings of Hamming distance 1, we have upper and lower bounds that match exactly. For triangles and many other graphs, we have upper and lower bounds that are the same to within a constant factor. For the problem of matrix multiplication, we have matching upper and lower bounds for one-round map-reduce algorithms. We are also able to explore two-round map-reduce algorithms for matrix multiplication and show that these never have more communication, for a given reducer size, than the best one-round algorithm, and often have significantly less.

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