
With a rapid growth invasive alien plants cause a lot of problems not only to indigenous varieties of plants, but also for people, as they are often the cause of many health problems, such as allergies, and they also contribute to greater economic loss. Plant protection is an activity which, on the basis of appropriate scientific knowledge by means of various methods and an economical manner, protects cultivated plants from harmful organisms. In Slovenia, as well as worldwide, the use of pesticides in plant protection programmes is the most widespread method due to price and other benefits. Researchers are looking for new, environmentally more acceptable ways of protecting plants against harmful organisms due to adverse environmental effects of pesticides, their non-target activity, the occurence of resistance to pesticides, and increasingly stringent environmental policies. One such measure is also the study of plant extracts in the suppresing of economically important harmful organisms. In a review article, we focused on the literature review of the usefeulness of plant extracts of several invasive alien plant species in plant protection: knotweeds (Fallopia japonica [Houtt.] Ronse Decr), F. x bohemica (Chrtek & Chrtková) Bailey), goldenrods (Solidago canadensis L., S. gigantea Aiton), stag's-horn sumac (Rhus typhina L.), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima [Mill.] Swingle), false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.) and stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens [L.] Greuter), which we are studying within the project ApPLAuSE.


  • With a rapid growth invasive alien plants cause a lot of problems to indigenous varieties of plants, and for people, as they are often the cause of many health problems, such as allergies, and they contribute to greater economic loss

  • Večina tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst v novem okolju ni invazivnih

  • Zaradi negativnih vplivov na okolje, njihovega neciljnega delovanja, pojava rezistence škodljivih organizmov na fitofarmacevtskih sredstev (FFS) in vse strožje okoljske politike raziskovalci iščejo nove, okoljsko bolj sprejemljive načine varstva rastlin pred škodljivimi organizmi

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Dresniki iz rodu Fallopia

Znanstveniki so preučevali vpliv rastlinskih izvlečkov različnih vrst dresnikov pri zatiranju nekaterih gospodarsko pomembnih škodljivih organizmov. (1988), ko so preučevali učinkovitost izvlečkov različnih rastlinskih vrst pri zatiranju kumarne pepelovke (Erysiphe polyphaga Hamm.). V nadaljnjih raziskavah so rastlinski izvleček sahalinskega dresnika uporabili tudi drugi raziskovalci pri zatiranju nekaterih vrst pepelovk, ki so se pojavile na paradižniku, begoniji in jablani (Herger in Klingauf, 1990; Neuhaus in Pallut, 1992; KonstantinidouDoltsinis in Schmitt, 1998; Konstantinidou-Doltsinis in sod., 2006). V laboratorijski raziskavi so raziskovalci preučevali vpliv metanolnega izvlečka sahalinskega, japonskega in češkega dresnika na razvoj gosenic vrste Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Pavela in sod., 2008). Do podobnih ugotovitev so prišli tudi drugi raziskovalci (Vrchotová in Šerá, 2008; Murrell in sod., 2011), ki so potrdili alelopatski učinek rastlinskih izvlečkov, pridobljenih iz različnih rastlinskih delov japonskega, češkega in sahalinskega dresnika, na razvoj nekaterih vrst metuljnic in zeli

Rastlinske vrste iz rodu Dittrichia Greuter
Rastlinske vrste iz rodu Solidago
Rastlinske vrste iz rodu Rhus
Rastlinske vrste iz rodu Amorpha
Rastlinske vrste iz rodu Ailanthus
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