
In recent years, wireless LANs (WLANs) are closely deployed which means they interfere with each other. Mobile stations (MSs) like smart phones that connect to such WLANs are also increasing. In such interfering environments, radio interference frequency depends on MS position. In addition, as MSs and their applications become diverse, frame generation rates from MSs are also becoming various. Thus, sufficient frame transmission opportunities should be assigned to MSs regardless of their radio interference frequencies and frame generation rates. One key technology to deal with this issue is uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) transmission introduced in IEEE 802.11ax. However, existing works do not consider the differences of the interference frequencies and frame generation rates among MSs in an integrated manner. This paper proposes an uplink frame transmission method for interfering WLAN environments that effectively uses the OFDMA transmission to assign enough transmission opportunities to MSs regardless of their own interference frequencies and frame generation rates, while efficiently using the channel resource. Considering the combined problem, this proposed method allocates resource units (RUs), created by dividing the channel, to MSs. In addition, based on a mathematical analysis of required frame transmission duration, the proposed method flexibly selects the OFDMA transmission or conventional frame transmission with CSMA/CA, which is also not considered in the existing works.

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