
Steam turbines of a K-160-12.8 (PVK-150) type produced by PAO Turboatom are operated at thermal power plants from the 1960s and many of them still have the complete set that was installed at that time by the factory, but they have become out of date. For this reason, the problem of upgrading the turbines to bring their characteristics into compliance with modern requirements is relevant. This article describes the main technical decisions adopted by PAO Turboatom when upgrading the automatic control system (ACS) of a K-160-12.8 (PVK-150) turbine: replacing the control valves (CV); replacing the distributing mechanism; replacing the front support components, including the main servomotor and oil control pipes; and replacing the assembly of cutoff spools by separate spools of servomotors of high-pressure control valves and reheat control valves. The schematic diagram of the ACS and description of the structure of newly installed mechanisms are presented: the cutoff spools, the high-pressure CVs, the distribution mechanism, and the main servomotor. The particularity of the ACS is the presence of electromechanical converters, which are used in each cutoff spool. For improving operating reliability of the ACS by providing the actuation of servomotors of control valves for closing regardless of ACS commands, the connection of rods of the electromechanical converter and cutoff spools are made using spring-type uncoupling devices. For actuation of the protection system by the commands of the automatic electronic safety device, the separate actuator driven by an electromagnet is installed in the ACS. During further improvement of the protection system, it is recommended to replace the controller assembly by two-spool protection devices, remove the protection spool assembly, and increase the pressure in the protection lines up to power pressure. The upgrading during this project was carried out by the Dobrotvor TPP (Ukraine).

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