
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is being commercialized and studied worldwide to overcome social issues such as transportation and environmental problems. To implement MaaS, solutions provided by different administrative, operational, and independent enterprises in different industry sectors need to be combined and integrated as a single service according to their objectives and needs. The ultimate goal of MaaS is the integration of social goals (i.e., involving regional policy; also called Level 4). To achieve this, the entirety of the systems constituting MaaS must be viewed as a System of Systems (SoS), and various stakeholders in different industry areas must work closely together based on policy objectives. In this paper, we propose an "upgrading approach" to enable the gradual evolution of SoS based on its architecture to achieve MaaS Level 4. The case study is called "Snow Country MaaS," and it considers the heavy snowfall area of Japan. Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) is used for the architecture description. The SoS architecture of Snow Country MaaS is described by an iterative approach based on the strategic, operational, service, and resource perspectives defined in UAF. By applying the upgrading approach to the hierarchical perspectives defined in UAF, it is possible to discuss and determine policies for the evolution and criteria for the entire SoS from multiple perspectives.

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