
The LLAMA (Lyman Alpha Measurement Apparatus) pinhole camera diagnostic had previously been deployed on DIII-D to measure radial profiles of the Lyman-α (Ly-α) deuterium neutral line brightness across the plasma boundary in the lower chamber to infer neutral deuterium density and ionization rate profiles. This system has recently been upgraded with a new diagnostic head, named ALPACA, that also encloses two pinhole cameras and duplicates the LLAMA views in the upper chamber. Similar to LLAMA, ALPACA provides two times 20 lines of sight, viewing the plasma edge on the inboard and outboard sides with a radial resolution of ∼2.5 cm (FWHM) and an effective time resolution of ∼1 ms that allows for the investigation of inter-ELM dynamics. The extended Ly-α system provides better coverage to study neutrals in experiments with various plasma shapes utilizing both the upper and lower divertors. Furthermore, post-campaign calibration of the LLAMA diagnostic has successfully been demonstrated for the first time. This was facilitated by various upgrades to the calibration set-up and detailed measurements of the emissivity distribution of the Ly-α calibration source using a pinhole collimator. It was found that the sensitivity of the inboard LLAMA pinhole camera was reduced by a factor of 2.0 ± 0.2 over the course of six months of plasma operation in 2021. The upgraded Ly-α system, equipped with improved absolute calibration, will provide key input for neutral fueling and pedestal particle transport studies and for 2D edge transport code validation on the DIII-D tokamak.

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