
The Attitudes Toward Computer Usage Scale (ATCUS) was first developed in 1986 by [Popovich, P. M., Hyde, K. R., Zakrajsek, T., & Blumer, C. (1987). The development of the attitudes toward computer usage scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 47, 261–269.] using American undergraduates and has since been with a variety of populations over the past 20 years. However, many changes in the technological landscape have occurred since its development, thus creating a need for an updated scale. During the course of a three-part study, the ATCUS v. 2.0 was developed with psychometric properties similar to that of the original ATCUS. The addition of more up-to-date items to serves to enhance the usefulness and practicality of this instrument. The ATCUS v. 2.0 was found to have both high internal consistency, alpha = .83 and test–retest reliability, r = .93.

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