
The post-industrial description of the process of development of modern civilization determines the dominant position in the field of services and Information Technology in a number of sectors of the national economy. Tourism is one of the most dynamic «service» industries. The rapid development of tourism in the advanced countries of the world in recent decades is explained, first of all, by the growth of social labor productivity as a result of scientific and technological progress, an increase in the material well-being of the population and an improvement in the quality of life, which ultimately led to an increase in the share of tourist services in the structure of household expenses. Another factor in the development of tourism is an increase in free time and an increase in demand for tourist services. Currently, economic growth in the tourism sector in Kazakhstan is hindered by insufficient information openness, a focus on providing standard tourist services, which is contrary to the emerging opportunities of socio-economic communication innovations that have significantly changed the conditions and opportunities for implementing processes of interaction between people and elements of socio-economic systems, and a high level of income differentiation of the population (in relation to developed countries) that require diversification of the tourist product. Thus, the most important element that determines the effectiveness of the management of the tourist complex and individual economic entities that carry out their activities in this area is the level of development of the communication system. All the issues contained in the literature on determining the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the tourism industry, the actual introduction of innovative approaches to the development of tourism at the micro level, the theoretical aspects of determining certain types of tourist activity, as well as the development of a methodology for calculating the effectiveness of tourist activity, remain insufficiently studied. Empirical research in this direction is still very small and is carried out at a sufficiently imperfect level. A very large number of factors studied attract attention. This is explained, in particular, by the uniformity of the research objects (levels of the state or economic zone). Due to the insufficient amount of source data and the lack of evidence for their correctness, along with methodological problems, industry differences are also problematic. Therefore, it is necessary to identify situational situations that affect the relationship between success factors and actual success. Scientific novelty of the conducted research: an organizational and economic model for improving the efficiency of the tourism industry of the region has been developed.

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