
The data processing methods for AstroSat’s UVIT instrument and the software implementations that have been developed over the past few years will be presented. The instrument calibration is discussed in other work. Source magnitude extraction is calibrated with respect to a curve of growth analysis (COG) where the COG calibration is described in Ref. 2. UVIT images require corrections for geometric distortion, flat-field illumination, and spacecraft drift, which is carried out with the UVIT-customized software package CCDLAB. A description of the usage of the CCDLAB Pipeline for UVIT data reduction from Level 1 raw data to completed science images was presented in Ref. 4. The astrometry has been improved recently by incorporating the Gaia DR2 catalog and developing a new algorithm for coordinate matching. CCDLAB was upgraded in 2020 to produce exposure maps for the entire field of view. New methods for source extraction for crowded fields have now been added to the CCDLAB Pipeline. Other new updates will be discussed.

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