
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the current strategies for managing spinal-induced hypotension during cesarean delivery with a particular focus on the evidence guiding the use of vasopressors. Phenylephrine is currently regarded as the first-line vasopressor in the prevention and treatment of spinal-induced hypotension following evidence that supports a favorable effect on neonatal acid-base status as well as reduced incidences of nausea and vomiting when compared with ephedrine. Norepinephrine and metaraminol are also effective in the prevention and treatment of hypotension. The current consensus for vasopressor use in the treatment of spinal-induced hypotension has been shaped by data gathered from studies involving healthy parturients undergoing elective cesarean deliveries. While these results cannot necessarily be extrapolated to high-risk patients with impaired cardiovascular function or evidence of fetal compromise, these studies may help inform vasopressor choice and establish recommendations for clinical practice.

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