
Due to recent rampage and terror attacks in Europe, gunshot wounds have become a focus of attention even though they are still rare in Europe. Approximately 50% of gunshot wounds affect the extremities and to understand the sequelae, abasic knowledge of wound ballistics is indispensable. The energy transmitted from the bullet to the tissue is responsible for the severity of the injury and is dependent on the type of weapon and ammunition. Adifferentiation is made between low-energy injuries caused, e.g. by pistols and high-energy injuries mostly caused by rifles. The higher energy transfer to the tissue in high-energy injuries, results in atemporary wound cavity in addition to the permanent wound channel with extensive soft tissue damage. High-energy gunshot fractures are also more extensive compared to those of low energy injuries. Debridement seems to be necessary for almost all gunshot wounds. Fractures should be temporarily stabilized with an external fixator due to contamination.

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