
Prevention of inferior alveolar nerve injury (IANI) related to surgery for high risk mandibular third molars (M3Ms) is possible. However, the justification for undertaking M3M coronectomy rather than removal is based upon risk assessment of the M3M, for which we have no clear parameters. This narrative review paper was undertaken by the author, aimed at highlighting the complexities around investigating, prescribing, patient consent and undertaking coronectomies. In order to assist the clinician in making surgical decisions faced with ever changing evidence base and lack of specific criteria for the coronectomy procedure. There is international acceptance of the coronectomy technique, however, there are many outstanding issues relating to the criteria for prescription, investigation and decision making for this procedure. A consensus is required to ensure that the terminology, assessment, operative and post-operative parameters are reported consistently for coronectomy, in order to develop appropriate and much needed evidence base for optimal patient care.

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