
Phaedrus’ speech in Plato’s Symposium was often ignored by Platonic scholars as unphilosophical, and has been analysed mostly in its rhetorical aspects. This narrowed the intentions of the dialogue down to theoretical speculations, neglecting a practical problem – namely, which values of the Greek polis remained relevant in the epoch of radical cultural transformation through which Plato lived. The detailed analysis of Phaedrus’ speech reveals some of its aspects that remained latent until now, establishing that the system of concepts of ‘shame’ and ‘aspiration to glory’ derives from the traditional system of values of Greek military community, and thus has a concrete historical and social content. It was precisely Socrates and later Plato who embarked on the revision of the Greek concept of ‘shame’ (as Plato’s Apology attests). The paper employs additional sources that help to recreate the historical context of the speech and to inscribe it into its authentic Sitz im Leben.Furthermore, Lysias’ speech against Alcibiades is linked with Phaedrus’ speech and the whole context of the Symposium.


  • Platono Puotos kalbø seka ir tarpusavio santykis yra ir bus neiðsemiamas interpretacijø ðaltinis[1]

  • Kalbos retorinë pusë vis sulaukia kiek atidos ir palankumo – daþniausiai kaip Lisijo iðkalbos mokyklos pavyzdys[3]

  • Tarptekstiniø ryðiø su Faidro dialogu tyrimas galëtø pagrásti mintá, kad aptariamasis enkomijas Puotoje pateikiamas ne tiek kaip kalbëtojo esminiø ásitikinimø iðraiðka, kiek savotiðkas mintinis eksperimentas, leidþiantis sukurti atraminæ, tradicinëmis epo vertybëmis pagrástà dialogo draminës ir filosofinës plëtotës prielaidà

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Platono Puotos kalbø seka ir tarpusavio santykis yra ir bus neiðsemiamas interpretacijø ðaltinis[1]. Faidro kalba manding ir yra tokia skaitytojo ugdymo gudrybë – jos turinys iðreiðkia svarbias senosios graikø kultûros orientacijas ir uþmezga diskusijà, kokia turëtø bûti polio þmogaus ugdymo (paideia) programa. Kad Platono dialogø dramaturgija neatskiriama nuo filosofinës prasmës, negalima patikëti, kad Faidro kalba taip iðryðkinta tik dël „graþiø minèiø“, kaip lengva tolesnës „rimtos“ diskusijos áþanga.

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