
The Shidao complex at the eastern extremity of the Sulu ultrahigh pressure (UHP) terrane is composed of oldest pyroxene syenite, quartz syenite and youngest granite intrusives of the K-rich shoshonitic series. U-Pb zircon dating yields nearly concordant ages of 225 ± 2, 211 ± 3 and 205 ± 5 Ma for pyroxene syenite, quartz syenite and granite, respectively. The ages closely postdate the 240 to 220 Ma UHP metamorphism and correspond to the rapid cooling and exhumation of UHP rocks. A close genetic relation may exist between the formation of the Shidao intrusives and the continental collision and UHP metamorphism. However, the K-rich Shidao intrusive rocks are different from common syn-collisional granites in association of K-rich and granitic magmatism. A breakoff model is postulated to explain the formation of the complex. The breakoff of the subducting slab caused the rapid exhumation of the UHP terrane. Mantle upwelling resulted in basaltic magmatism and formation of the K-rich complex. Formation of the Shidao complex marked the cessation of the UHP metamorphism and the oldest ages of 225 ± 2 Ma of the complex is the minimum timing for the UHP metamorphism.

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