
New U-Pb detrital zircon ages from sandstones have been determined for the Walloon Coal Measures-Springbok Sandstone section of the Surat Basin. In the late Jurassic Surat Basin, there is a shift from relatively thick coal measures – the Walloon Coal Measures – consisting of laterally discontinuous coal-seam horizons intercalated with lithic sandstones and mudstones to an overlying coal-poor sandstone-dominated unit – the Springbok Sandstone – that is more laterally continuous. Across the basin, the contact between the two units varies from transitional to unconformable, and the sandstone becomes less lithic. The nature of the contact and the compositional variability of the sandstone across the basin have implications for predicting communication between gas production fields and potential aquifers in the Walloon Coal Measures and overlying Springbok Sandstone. This study tests whether detrital zircon age (LA-ICP-MS) populations from sandstones within these two units can identify provenance shifts and potential tectonic drivers for basin infill at this time. Detrital zircon ages of both units, informed by paleocurrent measurements showing a southerly flowing depositional system, suggest sediment was sourced from three distinct terranes: the Thomson Orogen in northeastern Queensland; Permian-Triassic granitic intrusions emplaced within the northeast New England Orogen during the Hunter-Bowen Orogeny accretion event; and an inferred but now eroded Jurassic magmatic-arc located along the eastern margin of Gondwana. Two major source-delivery systems, named here Western and Eastern Source systems, are recognized by distinct detrital zircon age populations in both formations in the northern Surat Basin. The Western Source of the Walloon Coal Measures delivered substantial Jurassic age zircons, with minor Pre-Cambrian input; the Eastern Source delivered substantial reworked Precambrian and lesser Jurassic zircons. In contrast, the Western Source of the Springbok Sandstone delivered substantial Jurassic and distinct Triassic zircons dated between ca 234 Ma and 224 Ma in the north-west, while the Eastern Source delivered more pronounced Pre-Cambrian input, with minor Jurassic and absent or minor age zircons in the northeast. Maximum depositional ages for the Springbok Sandstone are approximately 2 Ma younger in the northwestern than in the northeastern Surat Basin. The westward younging could be due to migration of the system and/or differential movement on the bounding faults.

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