
U–Pb (SHRIMP) determinations on detrital zircons from the Early Paleozoic Gelnica Terrane metasandstones and their Permian overlap sediments of the Inner Western Carpathian Southern Gemeric Unit define five age populations based on age-probability plots. The metasandstones were sampled for detrital zircons from six stratigraphic levels, four of them in the Late Cambrian/Ordovician Gelnica Terrane metasandstones and the two in Permian envelope sequence. The data set includes 84 U–Pb ages for individual detrital zircons. These ages are combined with the previously dated inherited zircons from the associated metavolcanites (n = 31). The majority of the pre-Permian detrital and inherited zircons (95%) belong to the three main populations: population A—the Paleoproterozoic/Neoarchean ages ranging from 1.75 to 2.6 Ga; population B—the Mesoproterozoic ages with the range of 0.9 to 1.1 Ga; population C—the Neoproterozoic ages, ranging from 560 to 807 Ma. The detrital zircon age spectrum from the basal Permian sediments reflects the strong recycling from the underlying Gelnica Terrane, with the presence of the dominant Precambrian C and B populations (94% of total), including the minor populations A. The range of the detrital zircon ages from the Late Permian sandstones is wider, with additional population D, ranging from 497 to 450 Ma and population E with a time span from 369 to 301 Ma. Within the Late Permian detrital zircon assemblage, the Proterozoic population A + B + C form only 25% of total. The detrital zircon data suggest that the Gelnica Terrane belongs to the peri-Gondwanan terrane with a source area located on the northwestern margin of Gondwana close to Amazonia. This terrane should have travelled a long distance in the Phanerozoic times.

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