
Radicalism is an understanding or sect which wants social and political renewal with violence wrapped of terrorism in physical and non-physical forms. Radicalism is an organized movement, a large international network that chooses productive age (17-40 years old) as regeneration cadres. The existence of radicalism brings hardline organi-zations to have an exclusive, rigid and ghallun character, this is the result of a formalistic and literal attitude in interpreting the Qur'an and al-Hadist, make decisions of local Islamic traditions as bid'ah, kafir and haram which must be eradicated. The focus of this study is as follows: what is the category of radicalism based on the classification of PP al-Bidayah Jember and PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso from kyai, administrators and santri, what is the attitude used, what efforts are made by kyai,, the management and santri in stemming radicalism and how the kyai hope, the management and santri towards the government in resolving terrorists. The research method uses applied research based on practical reasons, curious, and has a purpose to do something more effective and efficient. Selain itu, juga menggunakan penelitian lapangan dan studi kasus. In addition, it also uses field research and case studies. PP al-Bidayah Jember and PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso as educational institutions that have ahlussunnah wal jama'ah ideology has obliged to maintain and preserve the legacy of saints ideology, spreaders of Islam, in Indonesia. The category of radical Islam according to kyai and santri of the Islamic boarding school PP al-Bidayah Jember and the PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso are: based on the thought that interprets the Qur'an and al-Hadist literally, based on actions that justify violence in the name of God, and based on symbolic physicality, such the using of flags, shorts, robes, beards and veils. The attitude of kyai, administrators and santri of PP al-Bidayah Jember and PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso towards radical Islam are passive if only physically symbolic, tolerant of thinking because adheres of particular religion is the right of every citizen, criticize if the understanding of Islamic radicalism is disturbing the community. The strategy of kyai, administrators and santri in preventing the Islamic radicalism through scientific approaches, the preservation of traditions and Islamic culture, development of cultural and structural networks, submission to the authorities. The hope of kyai, administrators and santri towards the government about radicalism includes instrumental, cultural and structural aspects.


  • What is the attitude used, what efforts are made by kyai, the management and santri in stemming radicalism and how the kyai hope, the management and santri towards the government in resolving terrorists

  • political renewal with violence wrapped of terrorism

  • what is the category of radicalism based on the classification

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Hauli Haikal Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jember

ABSTRAK Radikalisme adalah paham atau aliran yang menginginkan perubahan dan pembaharuan sosial dan politik dengan cara kekerasan yang dibalut dengan terorisme dalam bentuk fisik maupun non fisik. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan apa kategori radikalisme berdasarkan klasifikasi PP al-Bidayah Jember dan PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso dari kyai/pengasuh, pengurus dan santri, sikap apa yang digunakan, apa upaya yang dilakukan kyai/pengasuh, pengurus dan santri dalam membendung radikalisme serta bagaimana harapan kyai/pengasuh, pengurus dan santri terhadap pemerintah dalam menangani pelaku terorisme. Kategori Islan radikal menurut kyai dan santri pesantren PP al-Bidayah Jember dan PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso meliputi pengklasifikasian, yakni berdasarkan pemikiran yang menafsirkan al-Qur’an dan alHadist secara literal-formalistis, berdasarkan tindakan yang seringkali menghalalkan kekerasan atas nama Tuhan, dan berdasarkan fisik simbolik, yaitu penggunaan bendera-bendera, celana cingkrang, gamis, berjenggot dan bercadar. Sikap kyai/pengasuh, pengurus dan santri PP al-Bidayah Jember dan PP Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki Bondowoso terhadap paham Islam radikal adalah pasif jika hanya sekedar fisik simbolik, toleran dengan pemikiran karena menganut paham agama tertentu adalah hak setiap warga negara, mengkritisi apabila paham radikalisme tersebut meresahkan masyarakat. Harapan kyai/pengasuh, pengurus dan santri terhadap pemerintah berkenaan dengan paham radikal mencakup aspek instrumental, kultural dan struktural

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