
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of Anemia in Indonesia . The iron needs of adolescent girls aged 13-29 years are much higher than boys of the same age. Women iron intake is not only used to support growth, but is also used to replace the iron that is lost through the blood when menstruation every month. Therefore women are at risk for anemia. Anemia in adolescents will have a long impact on himself and the baby who will be born later. This activity is an effort to reduce the incidence of anemia in adolescents. In addition to knowing hemoglobin levels, this activity was also given information about anemia in adolescents and the consumption of iron supplements. The results of examination of hemoglobin levels in 16 female students (11.2%) out of a total of 142 female students were detected as having anemia. The results of this activity also showed an increase in the average hemoglobin level for these students from 10, 9 gr / dl to 11.7 gr / dl. In addition, the results of the examination after the intervention also showed that 8 female students who had anemia at the beginning then within one month had normal Hemoglobin levels (> 12 gr / dl).Keyword: adolescent anemia, early detection, iron supplementation


  • ABSTRACTIron deficiency anemia is the most common type of Anemia in Indonesia

  • Women are at risk for anemia

  • Anemia in adolescents will have a long impact on himself and the baby who will be born later. This activity is an effort to reduce the incidence of anemia in adolescents

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Remaja putri merupakan salah satu yang beresiko mengalami anemia gizi besi. Hal ini disebabkan banyaknya zat besi yang hilang selama menstruasi. Zat besi pada remaja putri sangat dibutuhkan tubuh guna pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Menurut data hasil Riskesdes tahun 2013, prevalensi anemia di Indonesia yaitu 21,7% dengan penderita anemia berumur 5-14 tahun sebesar 26,4% dan 18,4% penderita berumur 15-24 tahun (Kemenkes RI, 2014). Data Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) tahun 2012 menyatakan bahwa prevalensi anemia pada balita sebesar 40,5%, ibu hamil sebesar 50,5%, ibu nifas sebesar 45,1%, remaja putri usia 10-18 tahun sebesar 57,1% dan usia 19-45 tahun sebesar 39,5%. Wanita mempunyai risiko terkena anemia paling tinggi terutama pada remaja putri (Riskesdes, 2013). Anemia pada remaja akan berdampak pada penurunan konsentrasi belajar, penurunan kesegaran jasmani dan gangguan pertumbuhan sehingga tinggi badan dan berat badan tidak mencapai normal. Kehamilan pada usia remaja juga memberi efek yang panjang yaitu menyebabkan kematian ibu, bayi atau resiko melahirkan bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) (Masthalina et al,2015)

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