
Thi s researc h cover s effort s i n improvin g physical education learnin g proces s fo r 4t h grade r base d on competence base d curriculum . Th e problem s t o be solved ar e 1 ) ineffectiv e tim e consumtion , (2 ) lac k of facilities an d equipmen t includin g sit e limits , (3 ) the needs for better understanding and interpretation on th e learnin g content s whic h i s i n lin e wit h Competence- Base d Curriculu m (CBC) , (4 ) th e affectiv e aspects eithe r fro m teacher s o r student s i s on e o f the impoertan t factor s fo r th e succesfu l P E learning . This researc h i s a classroo m actio n researc h involvin g two cycles . Th e researc h too k plac e i n a t th e Facult y of Spor t s Science , Y ogyakar ta S t at e Universit y , once pe r wee k fro m Jul y t o Septembe r 2005-2006 . A number of 34 students were participated. They were a t th e 4t h grad e consistin g o f 1 6 boy s an d 1 8 girls. Th e actio n o f th e researc h i s teachin g P E using Curriculu m 200 4 employin g CBC . Th e contents consiste d o f basi c movement s i n PE , gymnastics, an d traditiona l games . I t too k 5 0 minute s ever y single unit teaching learning. The results showed that there wa s improvemen t o n th e effectivenes s o f learning process , o n th e students ’ motivation , an d also students ’ physica l fitness. Kat a Kunc i : Pendidika n Jasmani , Efektivitas, Pembelajaran , KB K . . Kat a Kunc i : Pengembanga n Multimedi a Interaktif, Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Kesehatan Sekolah

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