
This journal discusses the leadership approach and leadership model applied by the Head of Madrasah MI Ma'arif Kemangguan. The purpose of this study was to find out the leadership approach and leadership model that was carried out and applied by the Madrasah Principal Ma'arif Kemangguan. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the leadership approach adopted by the head of Madrasah MI Ma'arif Kemangguan in carrying out his duties as a leader. In addition, this study also examines the leadership model carried out by the Madrasah Principal of MI Kemangguan. In this study, the authors used qualitative methods, by conducting interviews with informants. The main resource person in this study was the Head of Madrasah MI Ma'arif Kemangguan. Apart from that, as information or supporting data in this study, namely conducting research on two administrators of MI Ma'arif Kemangguan and one guardian of students of MI Ma'arif Kemangguan. The results of the study were to find out the leadership approach and leadership model used by the Head of the Madrasah MI Ma'arif Kemangguan. The leadership approach taken by the Head of Madrasah MI Ma'arif Kemangguan is to use a situational approach, namely the pattern of behavior shown by a leader when leading and being able to influence the activities of others, both as individuals and groups. Meanwhile, the leadership model adopted by the Head of Madrasah MI Ma'arif Kemangguan is a participatory leadership model where the leader has little control in the decision-making process, here the leader only presents the problem which is then discussed with his subordinates. .

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