
Abstrak: Conservation efforts undertaken by the Sriminosari community have oncreased in the mangrove forest area from 1995 to the present. The need for sustainable conservation efforts to develop the potential of existing resources in mangrove forest. Human and nature live side by side and can not separated so that humant as creatyres that interact with mangrove forests directly in the effort of utilization should have useful knowledge to improve capabilities. This study will discuss the efforts that can be made by the Sriminosari villagers in the preservation of mangrove forests. An extensice literature review was undertaken to abtain conslusions about efforts that could be made to conserve forests. Implecations that can help further research will be discussed in this journal.


  • Conservation efforts undertaken by the Sriminosari community haveioncreased in the mangrove forest area from 1995 to the present

  • The need for sustainable conservation efforts to develop the potential of existing resources in mangrove forest

  • Human and nature live side by side and can not separated so that humant as creatyres that interact with mangrove forests directly in the effort of utilization should have useful knowledge to improve capabilities

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History Article

Abstrak: Makhluk hidup membutuhkan nutrisi untuk tumbuh dan daya tahannya. Keberadaan unsur hara di sekitar akar tanaman sangat penting bagi mikroorganisme sebagai agen pengendali hayati dan juga bagi patogen tanaman. PGPR Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) berperan dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman, hasil tanaman dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Bakteri di PGPR dapat secara aktif menjajah rhizosfer. Akar bambu dijajah oleh banyak bakteri (Pseudomonas fluorescens), bakteri tersebut dapat berperan dalam meningkatkan kelarutan P dalam tanah, strain tertentu Pseudomonas sp. Dapat mencegah tanaman dari jamur patogen yang berasal dari tanah. Rhizobacteria dari Bacillus spp. dan Pseudomonas spp., mampu melarutkan fosfat, sedangkan Serratia spp. kelompok, selain dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan P (fosfat) juga dapat memfiksasi nitrogen dan mampu mensintesis IAA. Mikroba yang memiliki kemampuan menghasilkan fitohormon merupakan salah satu upaya untuk membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Kata Kunci: hutan mangrove, sumber belajar, upaya pelestarian

Pelestarian Sumber Daya Hutan Mangrove
Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai
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